Supporting new mothers in pregnancy,  birth and the first year of motherhood. The baby expert who empowers you to take care of your baby  

Responsive, reassuring and realistic support from a baby expert who empowers you to take care of your baby in a way that is intuitive to you.

Supporting you and your baby so you can thrive and not just survive motherhood.

I understand that there is I no “one size fits alls” approach to motherhood and that no two baby is the same. The Bump and Baby Guru® support dives deep into feeding, comfort, and looking at how you can navigate pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period in a way that feels intuitive to you and your baby. There are no rights or wrongs, this is about you and your baby.

I will give you the knowledge, skills and confidence from the moment your motherhood journey begins.  Together we can ensure you feel empowered, informed and supported so you can thrive and not just survive motherhood.

Be prepared throughout pregnancy, birth and your postpartum newborn haze. 

How The Bump and Baby Guru helps you.

Overwhelmed by the avalanche of baby advice available on pregnancy, postpartum and newborn care? Wondering why your baby won’t sleep or whether your breastfeeding journey is “going well”. Have you gone a day without wondering whether to use the dummy, have they fed enough, what is the best way to burp and are you spoiling your baby?

I work with mothers like you, everyday, looking for the answer to yet another baby related question.

Maybe you’re tracking every feed, sleep, poop on the latest app, or using the routine you’ve seen on instagram but are finding your baby doesn’t fit that mould. Starting to wonder if your baby’s behaviour is normal? You are not alone.

Stop the internal struggle right now and connect with me for the pregnancy and postpartum support you and your baby really need.

  • Having spent over a decade working with young babies I have the tools and answers that actually work. There are so many unknowns in pregnancy, birth and motherhood. My support and answers to those late night google searches give you responsive, reassuring and most of all realistic tools for both you and your baby. Work with me 1-1, have my support on WhatsApp or download one of my bitesize easy to digest videos. There is an overwhelming amount of advice and products in the baby space. This isn’t one of them.

  • Preparation begins from the moment you find out you’re pregnant.

    Let me help you prepare for your new arrival with my newborn care course, posnatal planning, nursery organising and anything related to planning for your new baby.

    Please download my free checklist on preparing for your newborn and drop me an email for a quick chat about how I can support you.

  • Prepare for your BIRTH, your way. My private 1-1 birth preparation course - you can turn birth fears into confidence. A birth and postnatal preparation course for all birth types.

    C Section/Abdominal, Vaginal, Surrogacy.

    I will guide you step by step, dispelling myths and giving you the knowledge to feel calm, connected, and prepared for any eventuality.

    As we experience a midwifery crisis there is no better time to invest in birth preparation.

  • There is a reason I am known as The Bump and Baby Guru. I have over 12 years of newborn experience, alongside many certifications which mean I can support you with anything relating to you and your baby.

    Book a power hour call.

    Work with me 1-1

    Let me support you during the postnatal period as you navigate having a newborn and becoming a mother.

    My expertise includes, but is not limited to; breast and bottle feeding, safe sleep, formula prep & storage, nappy changes, the first bath, how to care for yourself as a new mother, newborn sleep expectations. My support takes into consideration your needs as a mother, as well as your baby’s.

    Please contact me for further information

  • Offering bespoke support for you and your baby as you navigate motherhood and their ever evolving needs . Whatever your question or need I can support you. I have a wealth of experience with all age groups: bottle aversion, feeding, reflux, routines, weaning, baby wearing and much more!

    £499 for a 1-1 booking 10am-6pm (Mondays and Fridays)

    This includes a follow up email and plan relevant to your baby and 10 days WhatsApp support.

    Travel charges may apply

  • Wave goodbye to excessive crying and unsettled behaviour.

    Not sure if they have reflux and if they do no idea how to resolve it? Let me help.

    Is every night witching hour? Baby won’t settle?

    As a certified allergies, reflux and colic specialist I can help you holistically get to the root cause of your baby’s unsettled behaviour and resolve reflux once and for all.

    I know how hard it can be to struggle to settle your baby, so let me help.

    We can work 1-1 to get to the root cause of your baby’s discomfort and enable them (and you) to feel calm and comfortable.

    Don’t accept that your baby will grow put of colic or reflux and that its just normal newborn behaviour. It isn’t and medicine alone won't solve reflux.

    (Please book a power hour call and let me know all about your baby’s unsettled mood, I will send a questionnaire and all calls will include follow up information and a plan of action).

  • Because motherhood is tough enough and you deserve better sleep. How are you meant to thrive and not just survive when you have broken sleep? You can’t.

    As a certified sleep consultant/coach, I use responsive, reassuring and realistic sleep strategies, which are never cry it out. We will work closely together to resolve sleep disturbances and restore calm to your home, so both you and your baby feel better rested.

    In home - starting at £30ph

    Remote - Packages from £150 (email only)

    £299 for my full sleep package including 10 days WhatsApp support.

  • Sign up to my mailing list and receive free guides on.

    Newborn Sleep

    Calming Colic

    Newborn Shopping List

Essential newborn items.

Visit my Amazon lists to browse some of my top products for pregnancy, birth, and your baby’s first year!